Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Castle

Doing stone on addition, have a plan now for the stairs to second floor!!

Decided to add an addition, moved the planter to the outer side, also decided to put lights in the other building, the lights will look better at night if there is more .

Update tonight, it's been a very humid summer, so working on the castle has been hit and miss, hope to have it all done by next month at this time lol I'm open to any sugestions as what more to add, the lights are on but hard to see unless enlarged.

Started working on my Castle today and took some pics. Got the turrets cut today and windows marked, got electric wire, quartz rocks, now the base is almost done. Not sure what tops I should use for the turrets, maybe gourds, maybe mesh and paverpol. Want to get this done this month and looking forward to see it coming together. Miss being with nature, have to remember to enjoy it while the nice weather is here : )

Friday, June 29, 2007

My Wish Tree

Don't we all wish we could go in our back yards and have a Wish Tree? Like a money tree but better we could pick a leaf when ever there was a wish we wanted. Then it would come true. Money has never been very important to me, but wishing has more mystery and intrigue has more potential for happiness : ) She is shy and peeks through her branches to see who is coming. Her Guard is always a sleep at the job . My every wish come true for you: )


Jumoku was purchased by a good and helpful friend for his wife B-day. Now he is guarding their back yard. His name was given to me by a new friend and awesome artist Jean Bernard.


Ming is my second tree .

Having had Bonsai, just elegance alone was enough for me that day.

My Trees

Hommer is my first tree. His face and body are apoxie sculpt, his leaves are paverpol. The doors are gourd pieces, the owl is my totem spirit. Willows are one of my favorite trees, little people have always been a part of my life, rock hold many diferent meanings to me and I have collected them from every where I go. Naming him Hommer meaning elements close to my heart. He stands 27 inches high and 17 inches across.