Friday, October 17, 2008

Quartz Castle

Quartz Castle almost done , Had to add this pic with Fall Colours around it : )

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hilda And Tonky


Ok yesterday I had a great story for these two , but today it is gone , Oh well hope they bring a smile to your face any way . Hilda is made of gourds , she is young and full of energy . Tonky is polmer clay and also young and full of energy , Not sure exactly what he is or why he has red eyes and grey skin , fur hair on head and end of tail . Hildas head moves hehehe



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fae Ghost

Poor Jane Doe is lost , she is tired and weary and she just doesn't understand why her friends no longer talk to her , they just walk by as if she doesn't exist . Jane even touches them and they still pay no attention. What happens when we least expect it , what happens when we die inside .

Fae Ghost

Monday, May 12, 2008

Olive the Sea Hag

Olive the Sea Hag was just plain fun to make ,her pet octopuses just like all pets stay close to their master. Being old and haggish looking just is so me . hope she puts a smile on your face .

Hope Tree

Hope Tree was made for outside .Base is a gourd filled with gravel and cement to make sure it has weight .This tree is different used paverplaster to give it an old lumpy look .Calling it "Hope" cause even old people can have new growth from learning :) .Buds are polymer clay .

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pavonis The Fire Breathing Dragon

Pavonis is latin for peacock. He stands about 24 inches tall. He is made with apoxie sculpt, and his wings are made with paverpol. This guy did take me a long time to create, but I did learn a lot in the process .There is things I will do different with future dragons .Any questions please e-mail me .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Adolfo the Night Critter

Adolfo is needle felted and polymer clay .His name means noble wolf but he is very mischievous night critter .If you hear a bump in the night it could be him moving things around in your home .You ever get up in the morning and you know things have moved positions or not where you remember putting them you might have your own night critter .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

What a great gift , and I am very honored : )

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Made for Outside "Willow Gem"

Willow Gem made for outside decor used paverpol for trunk,attaching leaves/beads and even forest floor . Plan on making personalized trees for people , from which tree did you fall from ?

King Yod Of the Elf Dragon Claw Clan

King Yod sitting in his Claw Throne made of apoxie sculpt and wire .Wearing his chainmail look suit of armor created with paverpol and cotton knit .His Claw crown and sword are also made with apoxie sculpt .


Callow the happy young goblin, rings bells and dances to amuse anyone near .

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

All Seeing Odus

Odus is a goblin Wizard , his inner eye is open and seeing all .Wiser then the average wizard .Having the foresight helps but age has made him very weary .He is my largest polymer clay with the top of his chair measuring 16 1/2 inches .

Ellymay and her pet Flicker

As my love of polymer clay grows and a new respect for artists using this medium .She was fun to do , her dress is a paper towel and paverpol , her wings are cheese cloth and paverpol , then painted with inks . Flicker was all new for me never made an animal with just apoxie sculpt before . Every piece I do I learn , now I really have to do lots more practice pieces to get good . Thank you for looking and would love to hear feedback of any kind.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Moonbeam is an experiment and over all I am pleased with her and going to try another one with the information I learned in doing her : )

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Keenen the Goblin

Keenen the goblin is the leader of his tribe. One of his favorite hobbies is collecting heads and shrinking them : )

Pretick the Goblin

Pretick is a very fiesty goblin. He lost his foot in a animal trap in his younger years but that hasn't slowed him down at all he is still a handful to catch. His snake (Yimmy) is very well trained and travels with him every where.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Glav the Goblin

Glav the Goblin

He is polymer clay and needle felting.
Meet his oldest daughter Lepo and first grand child San (whom is already showing signs of great strength, both pyhsical and mental).

Sunday, February 3, 2008

been hibernating

Although winter is not my time of year, I've been doing lots...nothing much finished yet thou!! Hoping to get my act together and finish some of my starts this month . Being able to do something doesn't mean you want to do lots of it . Experimenting is the most fun for me so you will soon see some of my failures and successes (as we can all learn from both).