Monday, October 22, 2007

Castle done til spring

My Castle is not done yet but this is the last good day , thought I best take a pic before I tarp it over for the next couple weeks , yesterday I put a nice coat of clear paverpol and sparkles on it , all the lights are working now at night. The doors are going to get changed I'm not pleased with them the rounded two are oak . the stairs are made out of wood then a coat of grey paverpol and paper towel . Have a lot more detail I want to add ,plus flags ,but that will do in the spring .

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wynona the White Witch Riding her pet Pinky the Peacock

Pinky Peacock is made of 3 gourds, Witch Wynona is hand sculpted in polymer clay then dressed in a paverpol dress .

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Samu the Snake Man

Samu is finally finished!! Tinker had to get in the shot too Gave him spike helmut and a heavy duty weapon..